Tech Features
TNA is built on the Taproot protocol, allowing for programming of applications and business logic rules using Taproot addresses and transaction scripts. For example, in the issuance of Taproot Assets, the provided script operation codes can be used to encode and program aspects such as the total token supply and issuance time, which are then written into UTXOs as spending conditions. To issue a token like "ABC", the asset issuer creates a multi-signature address (addr_msigner) from a wallet address (addr_issuer). This address (addr_msigner) can then be used to distribute ABC tokens to various addresses, such as sending 1,000 tokens to user addresses, 1,000 tokens for community airdrops, and so on. The addresses receiving tokens are typically on the Lightning Network, enabling efficient, high-frequency, and low-cost interaction channels between the asset issuer's address and these recipient addresses.
Asset Connectivity
TNA names - assets issued on the TNA protocol share common attributes with other assets on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. However, they introduce a significant and distinctive capability: the capacity to connect diverse asset types and create logical and application-level interconnections. For example, TNA names can be mapped to Lightning Network channel addresses, enabling user-friendly payments and settlements; to the address of a BRC20 asset holder, combined with programmable signature logic, to facilitate swift transactions; to a Web2 payment URL to allow direct transaction sending and payment; to IPFS associating on-chain assets with off-chain data.
TNA names can also be mapped to each other, enabling multi-level asset associations and exchanges. For instance, mapping Tapname1 to Lightning Network address 1, Tapname2 to address 2, and Tapname3 to the deposit address of DEX1 on a Layer 2 Network creates mappings from Tapname1 to Tapname2 and from Tapname2 to Tapname3. This first allows cross-channel transfer payments between channels 1 and 2 on the Lightning Network. Then, after closing channel 2, assets can be transferred and added as liquidity to DEX1 to earn transaction fees and liquidity rewards.
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